Flashbacks (2)
Drei klassische Abenteuer für die aktuelle Auflage von Paranoia¸ dem computerfreundlichsten Rollenspiel aller Zeiten. Der Titel deutet es bereits an¸ es handelt sich um die Wiederauflage von Abenteuern von damals¸ angepasst an die neuen Regeln und neu illustriert. Im einzelnen sind es die Abentuer: Orcbusters¸ Clones in Space und The People's Glorious Revolutionary Adventures. Wem bei wenigsten einem dieser Titel die wehmütige Erinnerung an damals befällt sollte bei diesem Hardcover zuschlagen¸ und die Szenarien leiten. Wen das alles kalt lässt¸ der sollte dieses Buch seinem Paranoia-Spielleiter schenken.
Wizards? Lizardmen? A dungeon? In PARANOIA? Sure. Not only can your players get blown up¸ back-stabbed¸ betrayed¸ hosed¸ incinerated¸ crushed and repeatedly executed¸ but in this mission they can also get turned into a collie¸ devoured by a dragon¸ munched by a tiger¸ chopped in half by a gargoyle¸ soul-sucked by a spectre¸ drowned¸ then ripped apart by killer penguins.
PARANOIA is a reincarnation of the Good Old Days. PARANOIA has lots of action and mayhem¸ lots of bizarre and implausible oddities¸ lots of unconventional problems requiring unconventional solutions¸ ample opportunities for improvisation and humor¸ and a freewheeling and irresponsible attitude toward rules. We Famous Game Designers trace the game's humble beginnings back to stupid¸ cheerful dungeon crawls where we gathered loot and vorpal swords as we tumbled into pit traps¸ swapped riddles with sphinxes and hewed the heads from many an orc. It is with a deep nostalgia and heart-felt pride that we return to plunder the rich resources of our primitive origins and transform them into a dream PARANOIA mission.
Evil wizards. Loathsome servitors. Torchlit subterranean corridors. Fireballs. Wandering Monster Tables. And Our Heroes¸ caught between The Computer and the Forces of the Unknown.
Wizards? Lizardmen? A dungeon? In PARANOIA? Sure. Not only can your players get blown up¸ back-stabbed¸ betrayed¸ hosed¸ incinerated¸ crushed and repeatedly executed¸ but in this mission they can also get turned into a collie¸ devoured by a dragon¸ munched by a tiger¸ chopped in half by a gargoyle¸ soul-sucked by a spectre¸ drowned¸ then ripped apart by killer penguins.
"PARANOIA is a reincarnation of the Good Old Days. PARANOIA has lots of action and mayhem¸ lots of bizarre and implausible oddities¸ lots of unconventional problems requiring unconventional solutions¸ ample opportunities for improvisation and humor¸ and a freewheeling and irresponsible attitude toward rules. We Famous Game Designers trace the game's humble beginnings back to stupid¸ cheerful dungeon crawls where we gathered loot and vorpal swords as we tumbled into pit traps¸ swapped riddles with sphinxes and hewed the heads from many an orc. It is with a deep nostalgia and heart-felt pride that we return to plunder the rich resources of our primitive origins and transform them into a dream PARANOIA mission.
"Evil wizards. Loathsome servitors. Torchlit subterranean corridors. Fireballs. Wandering Monster Tables. And Our Heroes¸ caught between The Computer and the Forces of the Unknown.