The Haruspex Class
The first in a series of ancient class options¸ the haruspex supports their allies with the knowledge gained from reading the entrails of sacrificed animals. Through intense and meticulous rituals¸ a haruspex is able to convert omens into power and fate into action. Forgotten for thousands of years and preserved only through cloistered communities¸ haruspicy has begun its return to Faerun and other worlds through three Orders: the Order of Preservation¸ the Order of Desecration¸ and the Order of Predestination. The Haruspex is a support class that can give a team of adventurers a much-needed edge in battle and can inflict a surprising amount of damage if an enemy makes the mistake of viewing the haruspex as defenseless prey. Armed only with ceremonial daggers and wearing no armor¸ a haruspex enters the fray knowing that no matter what happens¸ destiny will be on their side. This class will be updated periodically to ensure a balanced class.