Ultimate Dungeon Terrain Zone Combat for RPGs
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Do you like using miniatures and terrain but don't want to do a lot of setup¸ draw rooms¸ or count squares during combat? If so¸ this simple¸ fast¸ abstract movement system (which is halfway between battle maps and theater of the mind) may be for you.
These are some house rules based on the Ultimate Dungeon Terrain approach created by Professor Dungeon Master (on YouTube). They also incorporate zone combat concepts developed by Sly Flourish and others. This system allows the rapid use of abstract maps with miniatures and scatter terrain without hassle or delay. While I like the Ultimate Dungeon Terrain concept¸ I could not find any solid¸ written rules that explain how to adjudicate certain situations that frequently arise--so I created these written rules for my own campaigns. They work with many different RPGs because of their abstract nature. Give them a try and see if they don't speed up your game.
Click here for more information on the Ultimate Dungeon Terrain approach.
The Ultimate Dungeon Terrain mat pictured in this document is a GripMat (my favorite). You can also make your own.