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PINKHACK¸ put simply¸ is my personal collection of houserules put forth for (mis)use and cannibalization. I named it "PINKHACK” because it is a melange of Christian Mehrstam's Whitehack and Chris McDowall's Into the Odd (which is red)¸ but also mostly because I very much like the color pink. The rules presented here are mere suggestions; there are no permissions granted or withheld¸ only inspirations. Everyone uses the system they are most comfortable with¸ anyways.
The contents of this document¸ much like the contents of the Universe¸ are mostly lies.
What's In This Document?
A lightweight¸ easy-to-run OSR d20+d6 roleplaying system based largely on rulings A quick character generation system Simplified combat rules A quick & easy reference document for UNCONQUERED¸ INTO THE BLACK¸ and other PINKHACK games