Utterly Dwarfed
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Here comes the sixth volume of The Order of the Stick¸ the fantasy-comedy webcomic that everyone agrees gets longer with each book released! In The Order of the Stick: Utterly Dwarfed¸ the Order is on their way north to save the world in style¸ thanks to their new friends on a cool pirate airship. Little do they suspect that while they deal with monsters and the usual plot stuff¸ one of their own is facing a battle inside their own mind! (It"s Durkon¸ obviously.) And when the gods themselves start taking a closer interest in Roy"s band of misfit heroes¸ this action-packed adventure ends up having repercussions so big¸ we couldn"t fit them on the page! With almost five years of comics¸ this 352-page mammoth collection is our longest book yet (not counting the previous one). Here"s what you"ll find inside:
All of the comics from #947 to¸ uh¸ the end of this story arc!
More than 10 all-new bonus comics here and there throughout the adventure!
A recap of events to-date by Durkon Thundershield. (wink¸ wink!)
Foreword by Haley Starshine!
A never-before-seen map of the Northern Continent!
Nine or so pages of navel-gazing author commentary!
A new moderately improved art style that makes some things look better and others worse!
Probably some other stuff!
It"s the biggest adventure ever to take place largely inside a dwarven cleric"s subconscious! We think. We didn"t exactly do any research on that claim. Anyway¸ order today!