Monk: Way of the Serpent
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Every great story seems to begin with a snake." Now Available: The Way of the Serpent¸ a Monk Sub-class by Campaign & Craft. The Way of the Serpent Included In this Document: Unique Sub-class Features & Lore: The way of the serpent is a Monk sub-class based on the secretive serpentine race of the Yuan-Ti. The Viper¸ Cobra¸ Boa This martial sub-class focuses on abilities that mimic snakes¸ whether it be the stealth and spring of the coiled viper¸ the restraining strength and squeeze of the titan boa¸ or the spray and sting of the deadly cobra. Shrouded in Secrecy The many houses of the Yuan-Ti and their domains are lands shrouded in secrecy. So few explorative missions are ever sent to these jungle dominions¸ and even fewer ever return¸ thus the land remains shrouded in secrecy. Of those explorers that did return¸ they were often maddened by fever¸ their flesh pot-marked by the piercing of mosquitoes¸ their blood poisoned by parasites¸ their final words a severe warning to whoever follows in their footsteps. The Yuan-Ti Of the rumours and legends that have escaped from this strange landscape¸ they speak of fanged ferocities¸ emotionless evils and slithering abominations with forked tongues that can taste your fear upon the air¸ and yellow eyes that watch without blinking in the night. Pureblooded Warriors Within the ranks of these savage snake people exist a few pureblooded warrior monks and their humanoid slaves¸ trained within the darkest depths of their ancient temples¸ disciplined in the art of emotionless combat. These disciples of subterfuge¸ poison and death are some of the most effective warriors of this most maligned race¸ existing in service to more powerful abominations and malisons¸ performing tasks as spies¸ assassins¸ emotionless enforcers¸ slave masters and temple guards. Death by Discipline Some of these pureblooded warriors have been known to pass on their training to the most loyal of their slaves and servants¸ as a way of ensuring their loyalty and rewarding them with power in a way only the Yuan-Ti understand. However¸ the methodology of poisoning one's own ki¸ in order to poison that of others¸ is lethal to all but the Yuan-Ti themselves. Therefore¸ those who accept such training usually end up dying¸ unless they can become powerful enough to withstand the poisonous nature of their own ki. Detailed Art: The document includes numerous pieces of custom art¸ including stylized Yuan-Ti monks¸ a full page cover art¸ sub-class art and ability / feature art¸ all lovingly created by Zach Hendershott to help inspire the creation of your own characters and convey the general class aesthetic. As well as background art¸ header and footer art¸ and detailed title calligraphy by Sun Vongfak. Follow us on Twitter for classes¸ races¸ adventures and more! Check out our DM's guild store page for more of our products. Updates: V.1 ‐ Released 14/05/2020 V.1.1 - Fixed a table error 15/05/2020 V.1.2 - Fixed a compression issue that was messing with image clarity and edited the wording on the Shed Skin ability. 15/05/2020 V.1.3 - Added a duration of 1 minute to the poisonous ki ability. V.1.4 - Edited the Slithering Strike ability to limit the strike back actions to melee or unarmed strikes¸ removing the potential to return a ranged attack¸ which deflect missile can already account for. Additionally¸ I have edited the Shed Skin ability to be a bit clearer¸ so that it doesn't insinuate that you must be incapacitated in order to get rid of one of the listed conditions. Enjoy!