Steel and Fury
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The warrior is the cornerstone of any adventuring party. Rushing to meet insurmountable odds head on¸ face to face with dangerous enemies and loathsome creatures. Armed with steel and fury¸ a warrior does the dirty work up close and personal¸ with grisly effect. Yet in the gaming world¸ outside of a lucky critical hit¸ this doesn't always seem to translate well. With Steel and Fury combat becomes more than simply standing toe to toe and following the pattern of...I go.
Combat becomes dynamic and fluid¸ with combatants taking advantage of tactics and their surroundings. But most of all combat becomes dangerous and in the hands of a skilled warrior combat becomes downright deadly. Now with the use of Steel and Fury¸ warriors become even more deadly and rightfully so. Showcasing mastery over the weapons they wield by delivering devastating attacks and using the environment to execute precise and skillful maneuvers.
The following Mighty Deeds of Arms are torn straight from the bloody pages of Appendix N material for use by warriors as they quest for gold and glory. Although watching a cultist burn after kicking him into a raging bonfire is a fun and effective way of using a Mighty Deed¸ sometimes you just want to shatter your foe's spine or split someone's skull to the teeth in a spray of blood and brains. With Steel and Fury your game gains a more cinematic and visceral feel¸ making the warrior a fun and deadly class to play¸ not just a meat shield able to absorb damage.
The following work contains 32 new Mighty Deeds of Arms¸ each presented as a full page chart for quick and easy reference during play. So be ready to stand triumphant over your enemy as he futilely attempts to stuff ropes of intestine back into his torn body or pulverize your foe's internal organs with blunt force trauma. Crush bones¸ sever limbs¸ and deliver wicked wounds that bleed uncontrollably or catch your opponent in deadly choke holds and debilitating joint locks while grappling - and that is just to name a few.
Go ahead and flip to a's go time!