SR2 The Anti-Paladin
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A Guide to Creating Dark Knights for OSRIC
Four Vile¸ Fallen NPCs For Use in Your Campaign
Hello and welcome¸ adventurers and Game Masters!
I am very pleased to announce the release of my tenth book¸ THE ANTI-PALADIN. If you've ever wanted to let loose evil incarnate on your Old School fantasy role playing campaign¸ then this book is for you!
THE ANTI-PALADIN contains a brand new ckass for OSRIC and compatible Old School retro-clone campaigns. Herein you will discover the treacherous and dark hearted anti-paladin¸ a master of chaos¸ treachery and death ‐ ready to unleash all manner of insidious magical attacks upon his or her foes¸ aided by their wretched evil followers and foul and fearsome beastly companions ‐ hell hounds¸ wyverns and even Chaotic dragons!
In this book I lay out a new class utilizing a well researched¸ thought out and detailed system of rules for creating these dark knights and implementing them in your fantasy campaign. This supplement includes everything the Game Master needs to incorporate this character class¸ its unique arms and armour¸ and fearsome companions into their world¸ including:
- a fully detailed character class consistent with OSRIC and OSR rulesets;
- descriptions of the armour¸ weapons and requisite equipment for the class;
- descriptions of their followers and companions;
- details on their valuable and magical class specific itemsl and
- FOUR fully detaile danti-paladins to get you and your players right into the action!
The supplement contains four anti-paladins I created (at 4th¸ 8th¸ 12th and 16th level) to challenge players of various levels. In these pages you will meet the following dark knights:
- GRAM KOLDRED (4TH LEVEL): A disturbed xenophobic¸ parenticidal murderer who lives in a fortified manor house¸ surrounded by his fanatical evil followers.
- DAHLIA JARDEAN (8TH LEVEL): At 552 years old¸ Dahlia puts the ancient in the term "ancient evil". "The Scorpion"¸ as she is sometimes known¸ is a shape-changing dark knight with two great passions in her long life: designing couture and being a serial killer.
- DARK KNIGHT MAL VAVASSEUR (12TH LEVEL): Hailing from a distant nation with a rigid social order¸ this cold and cruel man upended the society in his homeland¸ causing a decades long civil war. Through his pact with a infernal demon¸ whom he still serves¸ he spreads death and destruction in his wake.
- DARK KNIGHT BELLADONNA CORWAN (16th level): Belladonna is a woman who chose evil not because she was called to it¸ but because it was convenient and she was foolish. Known as "The Dragon Lady"¸ this powerful dark knight led a demon's forces on the planes of hell for countless years¸ before slaying her master and returning to this plane. She's on the run from the demon horde; she's angry and prone to snapping; and she's not to be trifled with!
Each one of these anti-paladins comes completely detailed and ready to play with their own back story¸ present whereabouts¸ gear and magic items¸ detailed NPC follower information¸ mercenary troop descriptions¸ and¸ best of all¸ detailed maps and descriptions of their fortifications (manor house¸ keep or castle) ‐ with wonderful Old School cartography from the incomparable Dyson Logos. This supplement is also packed full of gorgeous Old School artwork throughout¸ which helps bring these masters of evil to life!
PLUS you get a free copy of my 2020 Starry Knight Pres