SCAI.2 Cavalier Attitude
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Volume I¸ Issue 2
An Old School Roleplaying Zine
Hello and welcome¸ adventurers and Game Masters!
Welcome to second issue of my webzine: Cavalier Attitude. As the masthead says¸ this zine will focus on the Old School Revival (OSR) in fantasy role-playing. The Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation™ (OSRIC) is my personal retro-clone of choice¸ but I will cover other games systems as well¸ as interest and time permit.
The zine is publishing quarterly. The first issue was published in September 2017.
The second issue's contents include the following highlights:
- an article on 8 Reasons to Check Out OSRIC: why it's so great and why you should be playing it;
- a group of 6 pre-generated player characters: ready to take on whatever your GM's campaign can dish out;
- a NEW COLUMN containing an exclusive one-page OSR adventure¸ THE SHRINE OF THE TITANS": this high level adventure challenges a party of 4-6 players of levels 8-10 to combat a priestess setting up an evil shrine in the mountains above a peaceful settlement.
- a showcase of Old School art¸ by myself and others: amazing art features in my published books;
- synopses and information on my recently published books; and
- a roundup of role-playing social media posts.
The inaugural issue of the zine is still FREE to anyone who purchases one of my modules¸ supplements and one-shots. It is also available for regular purchase here on this site.
Future issues will also include fantasy fiction by myself and others; background information and additional areas for adventure for those GM's setting their campaigns in my ever expanding campaign world; one-shot and one-page modules and encounters; DM's tips and rules discussions; miniature painting galleries and guides; interviews with authors and other makers in the RPG community; and much more!
This zine is sure to please discerning GMs and players everywhere! Thanks for checking us out!
Louis "sirlou" Kahn
Editor¸ Cavalier Attitudes
Starry Knight Press
December 2017