SCAI.1 Cavalier Attitude
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An Old School Roleplaying Zine
Hello and welcome¸ adventurers and Game Masters!
Welcome to the inaugural issue of my webzine: Cavalier Attitude. As the masthead says¸ this zine will focus on the Old School Revival (OSR) in fantasy role-playing. The Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation (OSRIC) is my personal retro-clone of choice¸ but I will cover other games systems as well¸ as interest and time permit.
I will be publishing the zine quarterly. This first issue is being released at a introductory price of only $1¸ so people can explore its contents. Subsequent issues will be available for regular purchase once a quarter¸ and prior purchasers of the first issue will be notified when the new issue becomes available (if you choose to accept emails from me)!
As you will see from the preview's table of contents¸ the zine will feature articles on gaming subjects of interest to Old School players and those who play the newer editions; Old School art by myself and other artists featured in my work; updates on my modules¸ supplements and campaign world; a social media round-up; and each issue we feature a well balanced party of six pre-generated characters for use by you and your players as NPSs or player characters in your own campaign.
Future issues will also include fantasy fiction by myself and others; background information and additional areas for adventure for those GM's setting their campaigns in my ever expanding campaign world; one-shot and one-page modules and encounters; DM's tips and rules discussions; miniature painting galleries and guides; interviews with authors and other makers in the RPG community; and much more!
This zine is sure to please discerning GMs and players everywhere! Thanks for checking us out!
Louis "sirlou" Kahn
Editor¸ Cavalier Attitudes
Starry Knight Press
September 2017