Infinigrad Freelancer
The Infinigrad Freelancers are adventurers exploring the great unmapped alleyway wilds of the city for fun and profit¸ willing to use their specific skill sets in the machinations of any group that will pay them the silver.
Explore the Endless City with Ordure Fantasy 1d6 RPG ¸ a super simple¸ single d6 based OSR inspired roleplaying game.
Included in the book:
- Core and combat rules described on a single page.
- Rules and reaction tables for super simple 1 stat enemies.
- 6 mutations and 36 skills for Infinigrad Freelancers.
- Rules and examples for Freelancer augmentation system.
- Tables for the referee¸ including quick merchant pricing table¸ exposition generator¸ suburb political situation generator and Infinigrad job generator.
- Heat Test rules for resolving consequences of Freelancer jobs.
Infinigrad Freelancer is designed as a diving board to explore the billions of suburbs and city details that can be generated using the Automated Infinigrad Suburb Generator¸ available at: