Castle Keepers Guide
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The ultimate resource for Game Masters Everywhere!
The Castle Keepers Guide (CKG) explores almost every aspect of table top role playing¸ from expanded player content to world building. Based on the Attribute Mechanic¸ the Siege Engine¸ it is highly malleable to any RPG system on the market¸ old and new
Within you'll find a whole new approach to age old issues. From equipment wastage and how to use it in a role playing environ¸ to alternate ways of looking at the illusionist and their peculiar brand of magic. It covers suggestions on character's earnings in title¸ rank¸ land as treasure as the progress in level. Classifications of henchman¸ hirelings and every day people. Dungeons¸ countries¸ governments¸ world building with monsters and terrain.
That's the tip of the ice berg.
And it's not just for Castles & Crusades. This is a massive work of gaming tips¸ rules¸ expanded material¸ bound into a collection of material you'll find useful in almost any game¸ whether it's a First Edition or a Fifth Edition. It includes all the rules incumbent with any attribute check system¸ and needs little if any adjustments from game to game.
The Table of Contents reads like a What's Needed for any Table:
Chapter 1: Expanding Characters -- from beauty as an attribute to epic level characters
Chapter 2: Magic -- component cost¸ holy symbols¸ penance¸ buying and selling magic
Chapter 3: Expanding Equipment -- Lodging¸ Carrying capacity of wagons¸ speed of boats and more
Chapter 4: Non-Player Characters -- Henchman¸ hirelings¸ every day people
Chapter 5: The World -- from extra-terrestrial formations to land geography¸ climates¸ biomes¸ and the people who people them
Chapter 6: The City -- populations and their government¸ towns¸ cities¸ money and units of exchange¸ art¸ gender¸ rank¸ race to tap a few
Chapter 7: Dungeons -- how to design and populate a dungeon¸ the tricks of the trade¸ and traps for good and ill
Chapter 8: Air and Water Adventure -- combat and travel above the water and in the air
Chapter 9: Equipment Wastage -- role playing equipment¸ the grind and loss¸ wastage and how it can rule the game
Chapter 10: Land as Treasure -- level characters gain rank but to what end? A complete treatment of land¸ ownership¸ its granting as treasure
Chapter 11: Going to War -- A complete set of rules to run miniatures in wars great and small
Chapter 12: Monster Ecology -- A complete look at the most common monsters¸ the core of almost any game
Chapter 13: Expanding the Genre -- Take fantasy into space¸ horror¸ the worlds of pulp and beyond
Chapter 14: Advancing the Game -- How to create adventures¸ dungeons and balance the challenges of players and fun
Chapter 15: The SIEGE Engine -- The Original Attribute Mechanic. Unadorned with trappings. Simple. Easy. Intuitive and fun
Chapter 16: Treasure -- Treasure goes beyond gold and magic¸ a look at the many wide offerings of treasure on the plate
Chapter 17: Iron & Sulfur: Combat -- The grit of personal combat¸ new rules on tactics¸ from disarming to polearms
Chapter 18: Skill Packages -- Your game in need of some advantages for character and monster. Multiple new skills
Chapter 19: Character Death and Fates -- Death of any character is hard¸ but its here¸ from disease¸ to natural¸ combat and extraordinary
The CKG is the perfect expansion to everyone's table.
Game On!Get the one book you need to play! ; Or¸ for the writer in you¸ get the essentials!