Breaking Heads
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Breaking Heads is an encounter area for 3-5 characters in the mid-level range. It is designed as a plug and play encounter; either run by itself for a few hours of fun or as an encounter inserted into an ongoing campaign. It includes 4 pages of information Bents Trading Post¸ and 2 pages worth of NPCs and the set up for a classic brawl turned ugle.
Bents Trading Post stands upon the banks of the Powder River deep in the Darkenfold Forests. Built by two retired adventuring hounds¸ Karl of Nagel and Gotthold Kratz. These men set up the Post far from the haunts of king and priest. There they traded goods and tales with all that passed through. The only rule¸ no violence on the Post. Any and all fights had to be taken off the Post; violators would be punished by Karl and Gotthold themselves.
Breaking Heads outlines Bents Trading Post in great detail¸ offering NPCs for Karl and Gotthold¸ Gotthold's wife¸ their pack of wolves as well as the post itself¸ what it offers and what its for. All this comes with a ready made brawl in the Post tavern and the battle to the death in the fields beyond!
Bents Trading Post is a perfect encounter area that invites contsant use. Characters can stay in safety¸ resting from their adventures; trade goods¸ resupply and meet new NPCs to start new adventures.
Game On!Get the one book you need to play! ; Or¸ for the writer in you¸ get the essentials!