Combine Set 11: Ogre Mk. I & II
Ogre Mk. I & II Ogre Mk. I und sein Nachfolger waren die ersten Cybertanks¸ die trotz ihrer Jahre noch in den meisten Kampfeinheiten zu finden sind. Dieses Set enthält die beiden Einheiten und addiert 75 Punkte zur Armeestärke.
Before there was the Ogre Mk. V¸ before even the Mk. III¸ there was the Ogre Mk. I¸ the first cybertank. Soon after came the Mk. II¸ the first to sport a varied weapons array. Although these units were overshadowed by their larger descendants¸ they never went out of production¸ and could be found in nearly every order of battle during the Last War. This set includes a Mk. II and two Mk. I units¸ and adds 100 points to your force.