Sorcerous Origin: The Djinn Marked (5e)
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Greetings interwebs¸ I bring to you an idea that has been sitting with me for some time now¸ a sorcerer of a Genie origin for D&D 5e. I personally will always refer to Genies as Djinn. This is my own cultural standpoints and I feel it can build more roleplay elements than just a standardized Genie¸ using the lore of our world to build bigger and better connections between the people around you. Sorcerer Origin: The Djinn Marked Your origin is tied with Djinn of sorts and its knowledge is bestowed upon you. You choose one of the elements listed and it is yours always to control and bend it to your will. You don't become an elemental¸ you're slowly becoming a Djinn or a Genie. To where you're final form is nearly indistinguishable from one¸ a master of controlling your element and not just an ever-shifting embodiment of it. ___________________ This sub-class was inspired by a few sources; The D&D 5e Roleplay show on twitch and youtube¸ Court of Swords brought to us by ItmeJP and Adam Koebel¸ a novel¸ The City Brass by S.A. Chakraborty¸ and the esoteric lore behind Djinn in our world itself. I hope everyone likes it¸ it was playtested minimally and is always up for change. Feel free to ask questions in the discussions. I will answer them below when I get the time.