Mutants & Heretics Sourcebook
Power Unrivalled
Hidden amongst the shadows of abandoned buildings and crawling through the very bowels of the city are the misunderstood and the corrupt¸ those twisted mutants and insane Heretics that hide from the Light.
To the common man on the street¸ mutants are as contemptible as Heretics. But what are mutants really? Are they a vile by-product of the Dark Legion's influence¸ or something else entirely? And what can be said of the true nature of a Heretic? Were these men and women born to become servants of Darkness¸ destined for evil¸ or are some drawn to the power that is offered in the hopes of turning it against itself?
ï'· Heretics: What motivates a Heretic? Are they all of purely evil intent¸ or do shades of moral grey indeed exist? Is it really possible for a human to walk the razor's edge between Darkness and Light?
ï'· Mutants: What sparks mutation and what does it truly entail? Learn the truth about their twisted DNA and the intrinsic power that it brings to these enigmatic beings.
ï'· • The Ancients: Strange vaults and undisclosed finds amongst the stars have led to advanced relics and unidentified ruins. But what ancient race left them behind? And to what purpose?
ï'· • Vast Powers: Despite relentless persecution¸ mutants have been able to hide from both the Brotherhood and the agents of the Apostles. Discover the immense powers that allow them to stay one step ahead.