Murphy's World Character Sheet 3
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A colorful way to maintain your Murphy's World Characters -- for Free!
This is a full color Character Sheet for Murphy's World which can be printed out as needed.
Plus¸ if you're using the Murphy's World rules to run your adventure (provided in the book Murphy's World)¸ it includes a handy 'Base Action Value %' (BAV) table -- used to establish a Character's percentage chance of success at an action (based on their current Stat Value) before any 'modifiers' (in the form of a +/- percentage) are applied by the Gamemaster.
This Character Sheet is a FREE promotional item for Murphy's World¸ a humorous techno-fantasy Roleplay Game available from Peregrine as a downloadable PDF for just $9.99.
Murphy's World is a 163 page ebook that can be used as an adventure setting for characters from any RPG or as a stand-alone game (simple roleplay rules are provided based on a d100 percentile system). Please check it out by clicking on this link.