Enhanced Commonality Space Schematic (Poster Map)
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The New Commonality of Humankind is a sphere of stars 3000 light years in diameter¸ centered upon the solar system of Manhome and Old Earth. Comprising 27 sectors of one hundred thousand worlds¸ it's the greatest civilisation humankind has ever known.
The Enhanced Commonality Space Schematic is a starmap of Commonality Space¸ showcasing its stellar regions¸ sector capitals¸ fargates¸ capitals¸ and more. Now presented in updated and enhanced format¸ this gorgeous poster map and digital file suite is the perfect compliment to your Mindjammer game. It contains:
-Schematic depiction of the Core Worlds and the 26 other sectors of Commonality Space.
-Illustrations of key stellar regions¸ capitals¸ and fargate locations.
-Enhanced with illustrations of key worlds and intriguing data schematics of Commonality Space.
-Comes in hi-res TIF and PDF format¸ and also a JPEG Desktop Wallpaper.
Plan your journeys through the New Commonality of Humankind. Look beyond to the Fringe Worlds and the Frontier. Explore!
The Enhanced Commonality Space Schematic is a single large illustration depicting Commonality Space¸ an updated and enhanced version (with additional content) of the schematic presented in the Mindjammer core rulebook and Player's Guide.