Metabarons RPG
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Preissenkung auf 25 Euro.
Diese Welt läßt sich untertrieben als gefühllos bezeichnen¸ in der das Individuum verzweifelt in virtuellen 3D-'Necro-Dream'-Abenteuern nach längst verloren gegangenen Gefühlen sucht. Am anderen Ende dieser Vergnügungsmaschinerie kontrollieren Programmierer ('Technos') was die Massen fühlen und manipulieren so Trillionen von Gehirnen durch Necro-Dream. Als Spieler schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines Metabarons¸ die sich um jeden Preis ihren freien Willen bewahren wollen. Sie erleben ihre Abenteuer als Soldat¸ Dieb oder Mönch und kämpfen nach strengem Ehrenkodex um die Gunst des freien Denkens. Und dieser Kampf wird in jedem Fall härter sein¸ als die Einfachheit des Necro-Dream.
Das Metabarons RPG orientiert sich an einer französischen Comic-Serie (gezeichnet von Moebius und Janjetov)¸ mit dem man nun selbst in die Welt der Metabarone eintauchen kann. Das Buch ist mit 24 x 32 cm überformatig¸ durchgehend farbig und ein Hardcover. Wenn man dem Spiel etwas böses will¸ kann man den Machern vorwerfen¸ sie hätten eine faszinierende Hintergrundwelt mit einem bewährten Regelwerk versehen¸ und beides nicht selbst erschaffen. Aber warum sollte man¸ gibt es doch genug schlechte Regeln und auch langweilige Hintergrundwelten sind oft genug zu finden.
Metabarons Warehouse Clearance Since we'll be getting in a semi-truck-load of Humanoids books within the next week or so¸ I have to clear some space¸ which means that the Metabarons Roleplaying Game products have to go. I'm offering them for $10.00 for the rulebook (which is¸ naturally¸ a lot like the revised and expanded edition of a licensed D6 Space Opera book)¸ $2 for the screen (which includes some ship generation ideas)¸ and $3 for the Path of the Warrior sourcebook¸ plus shipping and handling¸ of course. If you want to come to the Honesdale warehouse to take away full cases or you're a retailer¸ contact me off list and we'll talk about a better discount. Thank you for your support of this line and the D6 System! [Quelle: über Thorsten Franke]
The saga of The Metabarons is only a part of 'Jodo's' vast creation. For over ten years¸ other stories¸ in incredible graphic novels have woven the backdrop of his oppressive worlds. The task of the RPG creative team was to document the adventures found in the Incal (drawn by Moebius)¸ Before the Incal (drawn by Janjetov)¸ and the Metabarons. All of these stories take place in a vast multi-verse where great and small are controlled by the seductive power of the necro-dream.
In short¸ the entire concept of love has long been forgotten by humanity. The necro-dream is a cowardly state of bliss where individuals seek only to pass the time and forget that they once had spiritual aspirations. Humanity drinks¸ drugs itself¸ seeks any thrill physical or emotional¸ and has forbidden only the forbidden. It spends a great deal of time in front of the 3DTV watching murders¸ catastrophes¸ suicides and live combats to the death. Television is one of the most dangerous sources of the necro-dream. The Techno-Technos control it¸ and if the programming was not mind altering enough¸ they use the transmissions to send the necro-dream directly into trillions of defenceless brains.
And that is where your character starts. Whether waking from the necro-dream as a soldier or a thief¸ a detective or a monk¸ you must fight to avoid its oppressive control. The metabarons have survived by adapting a strict code of honor. Their adventures have allowed them to remain free-thinking at the cost of incredible sacrifice¸ it comes with their Castaka code. There is no honor in compromise. Victory is the way of the warrior.
Your path may be similar¸ it will be up to you. Other paths and other codes exist¸ but none will be as easy as the evil simplicity of the necro-dream.