The Silver Ladder Alex Scokel Ethan Skemp Jess Hartley John Newman John Snead Malcolm Sheppard Stephen DiPesa Mage-The Awakening 🔗 Magus-Das Erwachen 🔗 Spielhilfe Hardcover 224 Seiten EnglischEnglish 2008 Als PDF erhältlich bei DrivethruRPGAvailable as PDF at DrivethruRPG Unterstütze Deinen lokalen Spieleladen vor Ort!Support your local dealer 🔗 DescriptionDescription It's not about the lust for power. It's about the need for a grander world. Enlightenment is the birthright of all mankind; the Supernal is there for all to grasp. Do you have a plan to take us there? No? Then step back and let us show you the way.