Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus (Revised)
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Das Chaos breitet sich aus und Armageddon nähert sich mit unheilvollen Schritten! Werden es die Mages des Ordens des 'Celestial Chorus' schaffen¸ sich vorher zu vereinen und ihre Vorstellung der perfekten Welt zu formen und zu vollenden? Dieses Hintergrundbuch vereint ältere Ordensinformationen mit neuem Material und will euch einen tiefen Einblick in die Gesellschaft und die Gedankengänge dieser Mages gewähren.
Wherever the Soul Shines
Persecuted for their faith¸ called heretics for their belief in One face of the divine¸ blamed for the Inquisition and divided by their disparate visions of Heaven¸ the Celestial Chorus perseveres nonetheless. One Song¸ the very pulse of Creation itself¸ reverberates through their hearts. With this faith they hope to bring humanity into communion with the divine¸ but this can only happen once they unify themselves. In the wake of the Reckoning¸ Armageddon may come first.
There Is Heard the Song of the OneAt last¸ a revised look at the Traditions for Mage: The Ascension. Completely new material covering history¸ practices¸ beliefs¸ special character rules and more. Examine new character roles in the wake of the Reckoning¸ and the hidden secrets and powers of the surviving Traditions.