Mage Storytellers Handbook (Revised Edition)
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Gelangweilt von Mage-08-15-Abenteuern? Fehlt euch irgendetwas in diesem Setting und ihr könnt aber nicht genau sagen was? Dieses Hardcover-Machwerk soll euch das Mage-Universum ganz neu erschließen¸ indem es euch z.B. neue Ansätze für eine alternative Storyline in einer anderen Zeitschiene¸ oder Material liefert um die Traditionen neu auszurichten. Macht aus Mage was ihr schon immer wolltet! [Quelle: adrv]
Dieses überarbeitete Hardcoverbuch ist nicht nur ein normales Regelerweiterungs-Kompendium ‐ es will euch (neben Regeln) vor allem dabei helfen¸ Mage auch mal aus anderen Sichtweisen zu spielen. So sind z.B. hilfreiche Tipps enthalten¸ Mage in anderen Zeitlinien oder an anderen Orten als den Standard-Vorgaben zu spielen. Aber auch alternatives Material rund um die Traditionen soll Mage neuen Pfiff geben. [Quelle: adrv]
Fold¸ Spindle and Mutilate
Confused by Paradox and paradigm? Want to alter your chronicle's character-creation or combat rules¸ but not sure where to start? Looking for different themes in a variant World of Darkness? Mage can be anything you want - and here are the tools to make it so. By your will¸ it is done.
The Power to Change Mage is YoursMore than just Storytelling advice and rules clarifications¸ the Mage Storytellers Handbook covers many and varied angles to approach the game. Examine ways to run a chronicle in a totally different timeline. Material to help you rebuild the Traditions to fit your desires. Open the floodgate of creativity and make Mage into the game you've always wanted. Anything is possible!
Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements there is a small white border around the edge of the pages.
Confused by Paradox and paradigm? Want to alter your chronicle's character-creation or combat rules¸ but not sure where to start? Looking for different themes in a variant World of Darkness? Mage can be anything you want - and here are the tools to make it so. By your will¸ it is done.
More than just Storytelling advice and rules clarifications¸ the Mage Storytellers Handbook covers many and varied angles to approach the game. Examine ways to run a chronicle in a totally different timeline. Material to help you rebuild the Traditions to fit your desires. Open the floodgate of creativity and make Mage into the game you've always wanted. Anything is possible!