Fellowship of the Ring Sourcebook
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Herbst 2002
Dieses 128-seitige Hardcover in Farbdruck stellt ausführlich alle Charaktere¸ Handlungsschauplätze und Ereignisse aus Die Gefährten (sowohl Film als auch Buch) vor und hat auch Spieldaten für alle Hauptcharaktere. Darüber hinaus finden sich ausführliche Beschreibungen von Bruchtal¸ Bree¸ den Hügelgräbern¸ Amon Sûl und Eregion¸ die durch Kurzabenteuer vervollständigt werden.
Join the Company of the Ring at the beginning of the greatest quest of all¸ and follow the paths of its members as they journey ever farther into shadow and peril. Enter Middle-earth and re-live the adventures of the Fellowship in this exhaustive guide to the people¸ places¸ and events of "The Fellowship of the Ring". From the pastoral hills of the Shire to the majesty of the Argonath and the Falls of Rauros¸ this book gives players and Tolkien fans alike a comprehensive overview of this beloved tale and its unforgettable characters.
"The Fellowship of the Ring Sourcebook" includes:
- A detailed timeline and guide to the events of the story¸ including discussions about how the novel and the film diverge.
- In-depth write-ups of all the important characters from the story¸ including Aragorn¸ Gandalf¸ Arwen¸ Galadriel¸ Boromir¸ and Tom Bombadil.
- Game statistics for numerous enchanted items and artifacts¸ uncluding Gandalf's staff¸ Glamdring¸ the Phial of Galadriel¸ Anduril¸ and the One Ring.
- Extensive coverage of all the places visited by the Fellowship in their travels¸ including Hobbiton¸ Rivendell¸ and Khazad-dum¸ illustrated by over 15 maps.