4Saken Cinema: Ghost Stories
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What's that noise in that haunted house over there… let's check it out!" Ghost stories… told around a campfire¸ or investigated by intrepid occultists- all grab a hold of our collective imagination. In the horror-movie themed game of 4Saken ¸ films such as Paranormal Activity ¸ Amityville Horror ¸ or even Ghostbusters should be right up your alley- your haunted alley¸ where the restless spirits dwell and call out to the living… Now there is Ghost Stories to let your imagination run wild by encountering the ghosts of cinema! Written by Don Walsh and using the 4Saken four-color horror gaming system¸ the Ghost Stories supplement¸ published by Purple Duck Games will add spooky action to your horror tabletop game. Contained in this 17-page supplement are tons of ideas and rules for playing ghost-themed gaming¸ or even if the ghosts are just visiting¸ such as: A discussion on what makes a ghost story… Character creation options 2 new Instincts 3 new Gifts How to Investigate the Paranormal Ghostly rules¸ such as séances! Spooky tricks for Menaces to inflict on investigators A Ghostly Gallery of prominent menaces such as apparitions¸ corporeal ghosts¸ cursing ghosts¸ phantoms and presences A few Haunted Hooks to get your ghostly Franchise going! So get your copy of Ghost Stories from the haunted hacks at Purple Duck Games ¸ where our games are what you want! "We need ghost stories because we¸ in fact¸ are the ghosts…"