Seafarer's Handbook
Ein Quellenbuch für eine nautische Kampagne.
Seafarer's Handbook provides players and DMs with all the information they need to adventure on and below the ocean surface¸ how to survive adventures on remote islands and the dangers of ports of call. Beautifully designed and illustrated in the Legends & Lairs tradition¸ the Seafarer's Handbook offers a wide variety of exciting rules expansions¸ including:
- Detailed descriptions and deck plans of all sorts of ships¸ from longships to war galleons
- Complete d20 System rules for naval combat and boarding actions
- Guidelines for creating undersea adventures and resolving aquatic encounters
- New nautical skills¸ feats¸ prestige classes¸ spells¸ magic items¸ equipment¸ and monsters
- Guides and resources to seaside towns¸ ports¸ and dangers therein."