The Rookie's Guide to Criminal Organisations
Inside you will find:
Perps in Mega-City One: A detailed look at the nature of criminal activities within Mega-City One¸ as well as some of the greatest organisations to have challenged the Justice Department.
Criminal Organisations: Full rules on creating your very own criminal empire to earn a fortune in credits!
Businessmen: There are many different specialists to be found within a criminal organisation - learn the trades of the Umpty Bagger¸ Jimp¸ Creative Accountant and Sleazy Lawyer and many others.
New Tricks for Old Perps: Perps¸ more than any other character in the game¸ benefit from an incredible range of skills. Here we take a look at new ways to use the skill list.
Reputation: A perp's reputation often precedes him¸ and a powerful criminal mastermind will have few enemies willing to challenge him openly.
Scenario Hooks and Ideas: Games Masters can insert criminal organisations into their campaign quickly and easily with the ideas presented in this chapter.