Monsternomicon 1: Denizens of the Iron Kingdom
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Privateer Press hat pünktlich zum GenCon sein 'The Monsternomicon' fertiggeszellt. Das 200seitige Buch enthält mehr als 80 sinnvolle Kreaturen¸ jede mit einer Illustration von Matt Wilson oder Brian Noddy. Jedes Monster wird auf ca. 2 Seiten sehr detailliert beschrieben. Eignet sich für jedes D20-Setting¸ speziell jedoch die Iron Kingdoms. Enthält Traits für die spielbaren Rassen trollkin¸ nyss¸ gobbers¸ ogrun. Drei Prestigeklassen monster hunter¸ adventuring scholar¸ bone grinder. Quickplates. Zusammenfassung der Kosmologie der Iron Kingdoms. [Quelle:]
Ein Quellenband von Privateer Press für die Iron Kingdoms. Auf 240 Seiten werden über 80 neue Kreaturen¸ Prestige Klassen uvm. vorgestellt. Der Band ist für jedes D20-Fantasy-System (vor allem die Iron Kingdoms) geeignet.
Follow the famous Cygnaran scholar¸ Professor Viktor Pendrake¸ as he takes you deep into the darkest recesses of the Iron Kingdoms seeking terrors unimaginable. Pendrake has catalogued over 80 fascinating finds - creatures mundane and legendary¸ spectral and mechanikal. The Monsternomicon is naturally a great tool for terrifying your players¸ and its abundance of details are sure to fire up any campaign.
Winner of four EN World RPG System Awards (including Best Cover Illustration¸ Best Interior Art¸ Best Graphic Design¸ and Best Monster Supplement)¸ the popular Monsternomicon Volume I - Denizens of the Iron Kingdoms has been updated for version 3.5.
Within these pages you can:
- Learn about the monstrous inhabitants of the Iron Kingdoms described in rich and incredible detail. Each creature receives no less than two fact-filled pages including adventure hooks¸ arcane creature lore¸ and more to give your adventurers a running start.
- Draw inspiration from the gritty and terrifying illustrations by the award-winning Privateer Press art team that bring each creature to life.
- Explore a thoroughly updated appendix that includes prestige classes¸ new game rules¸ wilderness encounter tables¸ and information for using unusual races as characters.
- Challenge players of all levels with the wide variety of fearsome creatures. The Monsternomicon is the ultimate bestiary for any d20 campaign.