Quantronic Heat
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A cyber threat in the Human Sphere
Amid the glittering¸ skyscraper-studded city block arcologies of Neoterra the backbiting industrial espionage of the hypercorps has finally boiled over into open violence and murder.
...or has it?
When Bureau Noir agents are called in to investigate the shocking corporate raid¸ they quickly discover there's a deeper conspiracy in play. A terrorist splinter group pursues a mysterious scheme of quantronic brinkmanship which threatens the entire Human Sphere.
Quantronic Heat is a min-campaign of three interlinked scenarios
Part 1: Conception. Unravel the puzzling enigmas surrounding the disappearance of Dr Morgan Hart among the quantronic corridors and rain-slicked streets of Neoterra.
Part 2: On Your Marks. Dive into the underground Remote racing circuit and seize control of a Remote while competing on the dangerous courses of the Sol Series.
Part 3. Birth Pangs. In the sunning¸ action-packed final of Quantronic Heat¸ pursue the terrorists back to their frozen Svalarheiman base in a planet-wide investigation of epic scale!
A cyber threat in the Human Sphere! Amid the glittering¸ skyscraper-studded city block arcologies of Neoterra the backbiting industrial espionage of the hypercorps has finally boiled over into open violence and murder.
"...or has it?
"When Bureau Noir agents are called in to investigate the shocking corporate raid¸ they quickly discover there's a deeper conspiracy in play. A terrorist splinter group pursues a mysterious scheme of quantronic brinkmanship which threatens the entire Human Sphere.
A cyber threat in the Human Sphere
Amid the glittering¸ skyscraper-studded city block arcologies of Neoterra the backbiting industrial espionage of the hypercorps has finally boiled over into open violence and murder.
...or has it?
When Bureau Noir agents are called in to investigate the shocking corporate raid¸ they quickly discover there's a deeper conspiracy in play. A terrorist splinter group pursues a mysterious scheme of quantronic brinkmanship which threatens the entire Human Sphere.
Quantronic Heat is a min-campaign of three interlinked scenarios
Part 1: Conception. Unravel the puzzling enigmas surrounding the disappearance of Dr Morgan Hart among the quantronic corridors and rain-slicked streets of Neoterra.
Part 2: On Your Marks. Dive into the underground Remote racing circuit and seize control of a Remote while competing on the dangerous courses of the Sol Series.
Part 3. Birth Pangs. In the stunning¸ action-packed finale of Quantronic Heat¸ pursue the terrorists back to their frozen Svalarheiman base in a planet-wide investigation of epic scale!
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