Distance Banana for ICRPG
ICRPG distance banana to measure distances during the game¸ in proper ICRPG fashion. Printing Instructions: Print at maximum layer height and at the highest speed you can. It is a simple thing to print. For two color prints¸ change filament at the right layer. Alternatively¸ you can print it single color and then paint it of course. The default size is around 30cm¸ which is too large for many printers. Rotate the banana and put it diagonally on the build plate to have maximum build space. You will still have to scale it down some. If the banana is too fat for your taste¸ non-uniformly scale it down along the length to make it as thin as needed. Depending on your choice of filament¸ the banana will be semitransparent. It is also thin¸ so you can beat your misbehaving party members on the head without causing any permanent damage. Have fun.