In HARMs Way
When your heroes are asked to make a guest appearance at a shopping mall¸ you hope that it will be a good way to garner some PR. Of course¸ no one ever expects a wall to blow out or that the worst aspects of humanity will coming traipsing through it! In HARM's Way is a short adventure for 2-3 heroes¸ using SUPERS! Revised Edition. While easily played in a single session¸ there are plenty of extensions that allow for continuing the action through the campaign. The adventure includes: A full adventure played in a single serving or extended to multiple sessions. Agents of HARM! 3 Fully realized Player Characters - just in case you are looking to take SUPERS! For a test drive. 9 detailed maps. Grab some friends¸ hit the food court¸ and spread word about being a hero... But be prepared to handle injustice should it make an awful entrance!