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Verrückter Spielspaß!
HorrorClix ist das neue sammelbare Miniaturenspiel von WizKids ¸ das den Markt der sammelbaren Spiele auf den Kopf stellen wird.
Das komplette Horrorspektrum wird abgedeckt: Werewölfe¸ Vampire¸ Zombies und etliche weitere bluttriefende Abscheulichkeiten.
Die HorrorClix Booster erweitern die schaurige Sammlung um neue unglaublich seltene Figuren wie den "Kopflosen Reiter" und "Jack the Ripper"! Insgesamt enthält diese Serie 96 verschiedene Miniaturen.
Jedes Case HorrorClix (48 Booster) enthält ausreichend Preissupport um vier Wochen lang im Laden Events auszurichten. Wöchentlich erhalten aktive Ladengeschäfte Kits¸ die zwei Premium Foil Plot-Twister-Karten und acht Plot-Twister-Karten für Teilnehmer enthalten.
Enthält 4 zufällige und vorbemalte Miniaturen inkl. den zugehörigen Charakterkarten¸ 1 Plot-Twister-Karte¸ 1 Opfermarke
When any modern horror author¸ filmmaker¸ or video-game designer is asked to name inspirations¸ a variety of answers is offered¸ from Mary Shelley to Ed Wood to Stephen King. Perhaps more than the artists in any other genre¸ the current artists of the horror genre acknowledge the contributions of those who came before them. But arguably¸ there is one horror creator who stands out above all others¸ one who nearly any horror writer or filmmaker will cite as inspiration: Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Also known as H. P. Lovecraft¸ Lovecraft's tales-penned in the traumatic modernist era after World War I-envisioned the terrible effects of modern science when mixed with human brutality¸ and they are among the most beloved in the genre. He wrote of terrible creatures and alternate dimensions whose power and strangeness were such that humans were nothing more than insignificant specks in comparison. He postulated that the scientific method that produced real horrors like mustard gas and the machine gun would eventually discover truths about the universe so terrible that they would destroy the minds of those who uncovered them. And most importantly¸ he introduced the world to Cthulhu¸ an Ancient One whose name has become synonymous with Lovecraft's invented mythos of evil deities and twisted terrors.