A Dresden Fiasco
Occult Chicago. Beneath the surface there are movers and shakers¸ magics and artifacts¸ all hidden from mortal eyes. There's so much right there for the taking -- money¸ power¸ fame¸ respect -- it feels like all you need to is just reach out and grab it. And that's just what you intend to do. You've got supernatural powers¸ a foolproof plan¸ and then? Easy street. What could go wrong?
Living at the intersection of The Dresden Files RPG by Evil Hat and Fiasco by Bully Pulpit¸ Hocus Focus is a Dresden Files themed playset for Fiasco -- with a twist. You play the monsters -- and your schemes are under investigation by Harry Dresden. Explore the Dresden-inflected fun when bad things done by bad people go very¸ very badly indeed!