Hellfrost Land of Fire Realm Guide 21: The Free Emirate States
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Of the three great human realms¸ it is the Free Emirate States that actually comes closest to fulfilling Suleiman's vision. Only a fool would deny there are problems¸ but here at least citizens of both creeds live side by side in peace in harmony. For the most part¸ people are judged by their skills¸ not the method in which they choose to worship the higher powers. The Emirates holds much promise¸ for here anyone can rise to a position of great influence and authority. So welcome¸ noble traveler¸ to a realm that boasts of being a gateway to both the deserts of Al-Shirkuh and the frozen land of Rassilon.
This 10 page section covers general information concerning the Emirates and its people. Inside you'll find details on Social Hierarchy¸ Education¸ Religion¸ Military¸ Law & Order¸ Trade & Tribute¸ Major Locales ¸ and Persons of Note.
The Cities
Each of the six great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above¸ but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Dozens of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit¸ explore¸ and shop! Will you search for the Tombs of the Thief Lords? Does the dust of the desert need washing away at the Marid's Fountain? Perhaps you waould care to meet the natives of Jinn Town?
The Guild of Headsmen
This two page section expands the material on the Guild of Headsmen¸ with information for GMs and players alike!
But there is yet more¸ oh benificent master of the golden coin! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as the types of clothing found in Al-Shirkuh¸ a guide to cleanliness¸ a discussion on who or what created the relics¸ typical soldiers and the cost of hiring an army¸ common phrases involving the jinn¸ and new Edges.