Hellfrost Land of Fire Realm Guide 15: The Salt Marsh
The verdant landscape of the Salt Marsh has lured many a curious traveler to his death. For sure it is rich in ruins untouched by human hands¸ but it is also home to fierce gatormen whose ancient civilization is threatened by civil war¸ as well as more dangerous foes.
Inside you'll find:
* Insight into the problems besetting the gatormen.
* An overview of the many perils facing explorers.
* A look at the gatormen's society and military.
* Trading opportunities.
* 6 new diseases¸ 2 new herbal remedies¸ and 12 new types of flora.
* 15 new locations to explore¸ including the City of Frogs and Temple of Taweret.
* 1 new major NPC.
* Ideas for why heroes may visit the Salt Marsh and adventure seeds.
* 2 new minor deities - Sarkeb¸ god of the gatormen¸ and Taweret¸ minor deity of crocodile slaying.
* 2 new monsters¸ including the much-feared croco-sphinx.