Supers (4th Ed)
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GURPS - Supers Second Edition (1996)" lets you create real heroes and villains¸ each fully defined in both power and personality - not just combat monsters. This second edition of "GURPS Supers" introduces system improvements to let you create super-powers the way YOU want to run them!
"GURPS Supers" is a sourcebook for the Generic Universal Roleplaying System (you need only the "GURPS Basic Set¸ Third Edition"¸ to play). "Supers" contains all the rules you need to custom-build the supercharacter of your choice. You can duplicate your favorite comic-book hero¸ or design almost any super ability you can think of! Become a Blaster¸ hurling bolts of fire or lasers; a Ninja¸ blindingly fast and trained in the dark combat arts; a Tank¸ strong enough to go toe-to-toe with a battleship; an Archmage¸ master of arcane lore. Anything you can imagine¸ you can be!
"GURPS Supers" includes:
- Rules for character creation¸ including detailed examples for first-time players. You can create believable¸ well-rounded heroes and villains with fully fleshed-out abilities and personalities - not just caped cardboard cut-outs!
- More than a dozen fully developed sample characters¸ all illustrated.
- Over 30 pages of super advantages¸ disadvantages¸ powers and skills.
- Rules for creating new abilities.
- Rules for running super combats at all levels of realism - from the gritty world of "Wild Cards" to the four-color world of the comic books.
- A Supers world where metahumans are society's guardians - and its worst foes.