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GURPS Spirits liefert Hintergrundinfos über alle möglichen Arten von Geistern (Dämonen¸ Loas¸ Djinns¸ etc.) und wie man sie im Rollenspiel nutzen kann. Auch die dazu passenden Regeln¸ erstmals veröffentlich in GURPS Voodoo¸ werden hier gleich mitgeliefert.
The creatures of the Other World are all around us. Some were once alive. Some were created by human imagination. And some are completely inhuman but thirst for our souls. GURPS Spirits is a complete guide to the spirit realm and its inhabitants. It includes a catalog of spirits from around the world: angels¸ demons¸ djinn¸ dryads¸ ghosts¸ loas¸ manitou¸ raksasha¸ and many¸ many more. It is also a campaign guide for characters who see spirits¸ serve them¸ use them... or fight them! Also included: an expanded version of the ritual magic rules first seen in GURPS Voodoo¸ as a system for spirit-mediated magic.