Martial Arts: Technical Grappling
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Master Grappling... or Face Defeat!
The canny warrior knows that grappling is fundamental to fighting. Any melee -- from a brawl to a swordfight -- could suddenly move into the clinch. Some fighters even specialize in such tactics!
This is a hard subject to get a hold on¸ however; volumes have been written about leverage alone. GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling brings this depth to GURPS. Expansions to the GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Martial Arts rules include:
- Trained Strength. Discover how technical proficiency complements raw power.
- Control Points. Transform grappling from an all-or-nothing affair to a matter of degree.
- Position Revisited. Achieve leverage by jockeying for not only posture¸ but also facing and orientation.
- Armed Grappling. Control and entangle your foes with a surprising variety of melee weapons.
- Combat Options. Narrow your focus with the One Foe option¸ exploit Committed Attack to force a posture change¸ pass a limb to trap your opponent¸ and more.
- Techniques. More than 30 of them -- some new¸ some modified. Use an Escaping Parry to break a clinch¸ or Change Position to establish a weight advantage.
- Fighting Styles. Learn Jacket Wrestling or Shuai Jiao -- and distinguish between between bear and lion attacks -- with six classic styles plus four specifically for animals.
Whether your campaign features athletes wrestling for prizes and honor¸ lawmen who must control and disarm suspects¸ or historical warriors trained to fight to the death¸ Martial Arts: Technical Grappling will add detail and realism to your battles.
This supplement requires GURPS Martial Arts for GURPS Fourth Edition.