The Pulp of Tarot
A brand new deck of juicy esoterica¸ which pays homage to classical designs and also manages to subvert them. THE PULP OF TAROT is a Frankensteinian creation¸ reimagined as a pastiche of Tarot fragments codged together a dozen other decks collected from around the world. These cards feature monsters¸ ancient gods¸ gunslingers¸ burlesque dancers¸ UFOs¸ futuristic buccaneers¸ and strange animals... all the PULP that can be squeezed into 79 playable cards! This is a basic deck of Minor and Major Arcana that is fully functional on its own¸ and which also has room for expansion. (Alternate cards¸ secret suits¸ and the Super-Arcana will also be available for die-hards¸ completionists¸ and collectors of weird novelties.)