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Ken Writes About Stuff Vol. 1 KWAS Vol. 1 is a collection of 13 supplements written by master Lovecraftian writer and GUMSHOE guru Kenneth Hite. Discover hideous creatures¸ uncover an occult Nazi bell or join the men in black with this baker's dozen of fear and fun!
In the ENnie-award winning Ken Writes About Stuff series¸ Kenneth Hite turns his considerable writing talents and encyclopedic knowledge of game design¸ history¸ the occult and all things Mythos to bear on new topics. From hideous creatures to GUMSHOE innovations¸ from Moon Dust Men to martial arts¸ Ken illuminates the dark corners of the genre with 4000-word supplements.
Each PDF includes a deep delve into some deeply weird topic¸ plus crunchy bits for your GUMSHOE game. If you're a fan of Suppressed Transmissions¸Trail of Cthulhu¸ Night's Black Agents¸ The Nazi Occult or Day After Ragnarok¸ KWAS is a must-have.
All episodes are available in epub¸ mobi and PDF format.
KWAS Vol. 1 features:
- Hideous Creatures: Deep Ones ¸ an in-depth look at everyone's favourite underwater creatures.
- Ken's take on martial arts¸ in the GUMSHOE Zoom: Martial Arts ¸ intended to model the sorts of stories (usually movies) in which martial arts combat takes center stage in at least one scene.
- Hideous Creatures: Hounds of Tindalos ¸ in which Frank Belknap Long's greatest creations emerge from the angles of time¸ slavering and frumious.
- Die Glocke ¸ about a mysterious bell-shaped device built deep in a Silesian mine shaft by the SS.
- Hideous Creatures: Mi-Go ¸ about the fungi from Yuggoth¸ the half-crustacean haunters of the hillside¸ the malevolent alien miners … are also opponents of the Yellow Sign and tireless questers for science.
- Moon Dust Men - employees of the program President Eisenhower established in 1953 to locate¸ contain¸ and coordinate everything known about the alien presence on Earth.
- Hideous Creatures: Ghouls - charnel predators¸ or changeling denizens of Dream¸ follow their tunnels from the sands of Arabia to the catacombs of Paris - or just stay in Boston for some fine New England cuisine!
- Looking Glass: Mumbai - We look at India's mightiest metropolis¸ from its legendary crime syndicates to its glamorous movie colony - and we look beneath it¸ for vampires and conspiracies and Mythos maneuverings.
- Hideous Creatures: Shoggoth . Infinitely plastic and ductile - slaves of suggestion¸ builders of cities - more and more sullen … intelligent … amphibious … and imitative!" If something can take any shape¸ what is its true nature? Are the shoggoths slave machines or biotech Singularity? Are they one or many? Tekeli-li!
- GUMSHOE Zoom: Mind Control . This is the kindest¸ bravest¸ warmest¸ most wonderful GUMSHOE Zoom I've ever known in my life. Presenting detailed rules for brainwashing¸ memetics¸ telecontrol¸ and brain hacking¸ and for gear from the Microwave Auditory Effect gun to subliminal flashers to tinfoil hats¸ it brings the fight inside your head.
- Hideous Creatures: Star Vampires. "The human blood on which it had fed revealed the hitherto invisible outlines of the feaster." Invisible outlines that shall be expanded upon¸ extended even¸ into all sorts of dimensions. Are they summoned demons or feral predators? Are they kindred or competitors to Colin Wilson's Space Vampires? Herein we trace the Shambler From the Stars¸ with bonus Night's Black Agents statistics and a