World of Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e)
inkl. Klappkarte
THE FIRST WORLD EVER MADE FOR THE AD&D GAME! Return to the roots of fantasy roleplaying with the Player's Guide for the GREYHAWK campaign setting - the original ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game world! For newcomers as well as old-time fans¸ this book is the doorway to high adventure. Enter the Flanaess - a crowded cluster of kingdoms and states¸ great and petty¸ struggling for survival and supremacy against one another and countless foes both internal and external. Learn about the nations and cities of the world of Greyhawk; the leaders and rebels that affect this war-torn land; the races that inhabit it and the creatures that threaten it. Use this book in conjunction wiith TSR's other GREYHAWK game accessories¸ or to begin your own campaign in the land that helped shape the AD&D game¸ the world that even now defines excitement and intrigue.