Each player is a rich oriental sheik who tries to have the most women in his harem. In each game turn one woman comes into play and chooses the sheik that she finds to her liking¸ joining his harem. As a sheik¸ you have to be as attractive as possible! To achieve this goal¸ a sheik may improve his appearence¸ increase his status or enlarge his palace. Of course¸ a sheik needs money to all this. Therefore he invests in oil resources. Each woman not only has preferences but also her own specific ''abilities''. The four basic abilities are: intelligence¸ housekeeping¸ cooking and libido. Each sheik prefers a different selection of women for his harem. The first sheik that has the required number of women (depending on his preference and the number of players) is the winner. Twist: The women (represented by cards) choose the harem to join¸ not the other way around!