EDITABLE VECTOR GRAPHIC WW2 BRITISH ARMD CAR AND APC UNITS Counters for replacement and extension of your own boardgames
These are unit icons supplied in Vector Format SVG¸ EPS¸ PS¸ PNG¸ and PDF for your own wargaming needs. COUNTERS CAN BE EASILY EDITED BY HAND OR BY FREEWARE EDITORS You can use these counters to replace or even to extend your own board games such as MECH WAR¸ EAST FRONT¸ PANZER BATTLES¸ RED STAR WHITE STAR¸ or OLD AVALON HILL series of old board games. You can simply print and play these editing values by hand OR Using a freeware tool like Inkscape¸ Paint or similar you can insert your own fields and then print on your HOME PRINTER (A PICTORIAL GUIDE ON HOW TO DO THIS IN A FEW MINUTES IS INCLUDED ) OR Simply take the images to use in your own wargames.