Battleships board game to setup the Scenic Dunnsmouth village
Battleships board game to setup the Scenic Dunnsmouth village
Using the Battleships board game as a template to procedurally generate the village in Lamentations of the Flame Princess Module Scenic Dunnsmouth.
- Two 'Battleships' boardgame 10 × 10 grids
- A good handful of roughly 50:50 mixture of red and white pegs
- Scenic Dunnsmouth ; Lamentations of the Flame Princess Module LFP 0015
Important:This product is in no way endorsed or approved by Lamentations of the Flame Princess and/or by Zzarchov Kowolsk
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I'm very happy for you to pay nothing for this product; and anything given to me will only be frittered away on RPG-related wares anyway. That said¸ even a nominal sum like 50 cents seems to bump this thing up the DriveThru charts and encourages me to make more things like this!