Hell in Freeport (4) (3e)
Hell in Freeport ist ein weiteres D20-Abenteuer aus der Freeport-Serie¸ die es demnächst auch bei Truant in deutscher Sprache geben soll. Mit einem Preis von $19 (DM 40) würde ich es nicht gerade als günstig bezeichnen¸ aber wer wei߸ welchen epischen Umfang dieses 88seitige Machwerk von Green Ronin Press hat - übrigens nur für hochgradige Charaktere! 'Freeport has never been in more danger! Infernal forces lurk in every alley and inn. Inquisitors and prophets of doom comb the streets¸ for the stench of evil hangs in the air. A city that is no stranger to dirty dealings and bloody paybacks is about to get a lesson in debauchery from the pros-the minions of Hell. It's a race against time as the heroes¸ or perhaps villains¸ of Freeport work to save themselves from the wrath of an ancient prophecy and from the hands of an infernal lich lord.
Freeport has never been in more danger! Infernal forces lurk in every alley and inn. Inquisitors and prophets of doom comb the streets¸ for the stench of evil hangs in the air. A city that is no stranger to dirty dealings and bloody paybacks is about to get a lesson in debauchery from the pros - the minions of Hell. It's a race against time as the heroes¸ or perhaps villains¸ of Freeport work to save themselves from the wrath of an ancient prophecy and from the hands of an infernal lich lord.
Freeport has never been in more danger! Infernal forces lurk in every alley and inn. Inquisitors and prophets of doom comb the streets¸ for the stench of evil hangs in the air. A city that is no stranger to dirty dealings and bloody paybacks is about to get a lesson in debauchery from the pros-the minions of Hell. It's a race against time as the heroes¸ or perhaps villains¸ of Freeport work to save themselves from the wrath of an ancient prophecy and from the hands of an infernal lich lord. Hell in Freeport is a stand-alone¸ 64-page adventure that provides the perfect compliment to Legions of Hell. Only high level heroes need apply for this hazardous duty. Recommended for characters level 8-11.
Hell in Freeport is a stand-alone¸ 88-page adventure that provides the perfect complement to Legions of Hell. Hell in Freeport features eight pages of beautiful full-color maps by ENnie-award-winning cartographer Todd Gamble! Only high level heroes need apply for this hazardous duty. Recommended for characters level 8-11.