Waterdeep and the North (FR1)
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absoluter Top-Quellenband zu Drachen¸ inkl. einigen kleinen Abenteuern
The North... rugged mountains and dense forests¸ which hide many beings hostile to man (who has settled here but lightly). Many dungeons and ruins also lie hidden in the Northern wastes¸ relics of the former splendor of the dwarven kingdoms¸ now lost and abandoned¸ and of earlier¸ fallen kingdoms of men.
Waterdeep...crossroads of the world¸ City of Splendors. Here and wealth and goods from every corner of the Realms¸ intrigue and feuds and important personages of rank and influence. From the many-spired towers of Piergeirons Palace to the living¸ ever-changing city of Waterdeep¸ and suggests many adventures therein.
Partake of the sights¸ the bustle¸ and the intrigue -- rub shoulders with the powerful and famous -- feast your eyes on fabled treasures. Hear tales in the taverns such as can be heard nowhere else in all the world -- but keep your weapons ready and your wits sharp. Oh¸ and above all... enjoy your stay.
The creatures of lore and legend - of myth and mystery - only the dragons know the answers to the secrets and ciphers that surround them. But brave adventuring souls who have gone before have left behind clues and epistles with valuable information for anyone in pursuit of dragons. This tome is a compilation of the lifetime efforts of numerous dragon-hunting adventurers¸ presented to those who crave hints and leads for dragon-questing.