In League with Devils
This is the PDF version. If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds VTT module - click here. This adventure is a supplementary scenario for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus¸ which can be used while the party is fleeing Elturel and are heading towards Fort Knucklebone at level six. It entails a bargain with Bagrivyek¸ the goblin deity of cooperation. The God offers them a deal they can't refuse¸ significant magical assistance for their quest¸ should they become its test subjects in a fight to the death with some of its elite troops. Devils that have been infected with a special substance¸ which is called soul-ichor and was created by a psychomancer¸ in search of his own power. The heroes will have a chance to interact with a god and bargain with it¸ a fight to the death at the Hellbent Fighting Pits¸ and also get a chance to learn of or even be introduced into a long-forgotten school of magic. Will the players reap all the benefits of this god-deal¸ or suffer the consequences of failing? This adventure includes: The first appearance of Bargrivyek in 5 th Edition¸ the Unifier god of goblins and its avatar. An introduction to a new school of magic and a new specialist wizard ‐ Psychomancy. One DM and one player version-map for your tables or online virtual TTRPG platforms. A new very rare magical item (potion)¸ which can significantly change any creature it comes in contact with¸ with unpredictable effects- the Soul Ichor! Forgotten Realms lore¸ with a twist. Quotes from unknown and famous people of the Forgotten Realms for each chapter. Important note: This adventure is designed as a supplement for Baldur's Gate: Descend into Avernus. DM's can use the scenario in other campaigns¸ in case the goblin god Bargrivyek or its avatar is encountered.