Faiths of the Forgotten Realms 2
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Soar into the Heavens! Faiths of the Forgotten Realms is back with volume 2! 50 gods have been selected from the various peoples of the realms¸ including the pantheons of the dragons¸ drow¸ dwarves¸ elves¸ gnomes¸ halflings and orcs. Each has a Deeper Faiths section detailing the religion and character motivations for devoting themselves faithfully to their chosen divine patron. Within you will find 100 archetypes spread across all the classes¸ 105 spells for the faithful¸ 13 Holy Texts and 22 Magic Items. So grab your holy symbol and say your prayers... The Gods covered in the book include; Dragon Pantheon: Bahamut & Tiamat Drow Pantheon: Eilistraee¸ Ghaunadaur¸ Kiaransalee¸ Lolth¸ Malyk¸ Selvetarm¸ Vhaeraun & Zinzerena Dwarven Pantheon: Abbathor¸ Berronar Truesilver¸ Clangeddin¸ Deep Duerra¸ Dugmaren Brightmantle¸ Dumathoin¸ Gorm Gulthyn¸ Haela Brightaxe¸ Laduger¸ arthammor Duin¸ Moradin¸ Sharindlar¸ Thard Harr & Vergadain. Elven Pantheon: Aerdrie Faenya¸ Angharradh¸ Correllon Larethian¸ Deep Salsheas¸ Erevan Ilesere¸ Fenmarel Mestarine¸ Hanali Celanil¸ Labelas Enoreth¸ Rillifane Rallathil¸ Sehanine Moonbow¸ Shevarash¸ Solonor Thelandira & Zandilar Gnomish Pantheon: Baervan Wildwanderer¸ Baravar Cloakshadow¸ Callarduran Smoothhands¸ Flandal Steelskin & Garl Glittergold. Halfling Pantheon: Avoreen¸ Brandobaris¸ Urogalan & Yondalla Orcish Pantheon: Bahgtru¸ Gruumsh¸ Ilneval & Shargaas Dont have Faiths of the Forgotten Realms Volume 1? Find it HERE Want the FANTASY GROUNDS version? Find it HERE