Elminsters Eldritch Esoterica: Power of Blood
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Explore the mysteries of magic through the writings of the Old Sage¸ Elminster Aumar! Throughout a long and illustrious career¸ the Archmage of Shadowdale has encountered and studied numerous unusual and heretofore undocumented magical practices. Now for the first time he has gone back through his private journals¸ curating a a collection of studies aimed to illuminate some of magic's deeper mysteries and broaden the horizons of student wizards. In this first instalment of the collection¸ Elminster teaches use (and cautions against misuse) of a widely misunderstood magical art- the primal practice of so-called Blood Magic! The big secret: bloodletting is not required¸ and without the gory trappings this magical art can still be of use to the modern mage. Learn how to exchange one's own vitality to offset a lack of material components! Discover how a mage might¸ as a desperate measure mid-battle¸ draw power from the freshly drawn blood of a foe! Study (but please¸ dear student¸ do not emulate) the dark practice of drawing life energy from the helpless and unwilling - the blood sacrifice.