Compendium of True Evil
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Compendium of True Evil A Complete Guide To Creating Evil Characters Compendium of True Evil features 61 pages of evil themed character options for building a balanced¸ functional party for evil adventures. The product includes: 1 Full Character Class: Power your unique abilities with the souls of your enemies with this fully balanced character class. A Soulbinder walks a unique path. Though their powers grant them access to secret knowledge and abilities¸ they are sometimes shunned by society as heretics and witches. The Soulbinder is a front line striker that relies on doing damage to stay alive. Without access to the brute force of a Barbarian the Soul Binder must drain the life force of their opponents to fuel their own strength. Will you choose to heal your allies by walking the Path of the Twins¸ to decimiate your enemies on the Path of Force ¸ lay the undead to final rest wih the Path of Peace ¸ or whisper mad lies to anyone who will listen along the Path of Deciet. Choose your path wisely. The souls of the fallen depend on it. 12 New Class Archetypes Bring your evil to new heights with a new character archetype for each of the original Player's Handbook classes. Will you wear your corrupt heart on your sleeve as a vampire worshipping Blood Rager Barbarian or will you sew the seeds of dissent as a Propaganda Bard ? Options include: -- Barbarian: Blood Rager -- Bard: College of Propaganda -- Cleric: Divine Domain of Domination -- Druid: Circle of the Swarm -- Fighter: Martial Archetype Crimson Blade -- Monk Tradition: Way of the Black Book -- Ranger Path: Lycanthropic Hunter -- Paladin Oath: The Lawbringer -- Rogue Archetype: The Nightchild -- Sorcerous Origin: Shared Soul -- Warlock Patron: The Cosmos -- Wizard School: Witchcraft Empower yourself by crushing your enemies with these fully balanced archetypes. But be careful¸ your allies may grow envious. 10 Character Backgrounds Build a unique evil character story with 10 backgrounds. Each background is designed to give your character depth and a reason for their evil ways. Choose from options ranging from truly evil to simple bad luck. These include: -- Afflicted: a pathetic creature struck with a malady -- Convict: escaped or released; dangerous regardless -- Executioner: the final word in legal disputes -- Experimental Doctor: perhaps brave and kind¸ perhaps a bit mad -- Expropriated One: overthrown¸ but not out of the fight yet -- Familiar: serve a greater master -- Monster Within: you carry something with you¸ something dark -- Raised by Evil: this rotten apple did not fall far from the tree -- Resurrected: an act of god or an act of science? -- Turncoat: loyalty has a price 21 Character Feats These unique feats add a bit of evil flavor and functionality to any character build. Rob graves¸ redirect hits at your friends¸ and why not add a bit of poisoning for fun. 70 Unique Spells A complete list of 70 balanced spells for use with all classes at all levels. Empower your spell caster to do more than just blast away. Rile the emotions of crowds to incite a riot. Force weak peasants to work for weeks without rest with Inhuman Vigor. Send your enemies tumbling to their deaths without raising a finger with Curse Luck. Each spell offers a unique combat or roleplaying opportunity for your campaign. Curse Luck 4th level divination Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 1 mile Components: V¸ S¸ M (a tuft of black hair) Duration: Concentration up to 8 hours For the duration the target has very bad luck. All mundane tasks the target attempts now require the target to make an appropriate skill check against your spellcasting DC. This effect applies to all daily tasks such as riding a horse¸ hammering a nail¸ or having a conversation. On a failed save the creature fails at the task¸ usually causing some negative effect. For example a rider may fall from their horse¸ or an attempt at persuasion may offend.