Fire Team: Normandie 44 Boards pack 8
FIRE TEAM : NORMANDIE 44 Boards Pack 8 (stream ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This game¸ FIRE TEAM NORMANDIE 44 is a game for team / squad / platoon level during the WW II ( rules same as FIRE TEAM : VIETNAM ). - the maps ( geomorphic ) will contain the various types of grounds of Normandie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A geomorphic Board make 23¸2 cms x 20 cms ( 1 page A4 format or letter to print in 300 DPI ) in the hexagonal format of 8 x8 hexs. - A hex has a size of 2¸5 cms ( 1 inch ) and represent approximately 5 meters - the Board represents approximately 40 meters in diameter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In pdf files : 10 x Boards : FTN 08 A¸ to FTN 0 I : every side of hex Board can be conected with another Board following the type of ground. The pdf file contains 10 pages to print¸ to cut and stick on the box or mdf¸ in the form of big hexagon. - the Board contains : Stream ¸ grass¸Trees. TO COME : others Boards ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------